Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Zigzag (satirical article)


And you laugh and fates laugh. What irony fates are when they try to simplify and simplify the trivial things and laugh at them that are complicated to understand and comprehend despite their ease and simplicity! Isn't that right, dear reader? Until the vortex area goes beyond its death and its face!!! Did you see, dear reader?


How limited your thinking and your understanding of things are poor and almost non-existent, it will make you cry that most of the people in our beautiful cultured peoples and our foreign Arab culture means (in my Arab country!!! All of them find it difficult to understand many words and meanings in their most important sacred matters and beliefs piled on top of their heads. And there is no problem. Never be surprised and amazed when you ask yourself how these sanctities, which are for the whole world, are supposed to be easy to understand and clear in language and interpretation.?!! .?!! How in the West or any?


A non-Arab human race???!!!! And here comes the role of translations, explanation, interpretation and modifications, so we see the glorious interpreter overlooking us with his glorious appearance, his infernal words that are tenderness and nostalgia painted and cooked!!! It explains and shows us what is difficult for us to understand and explain, and it makes it easier for us to perform it, and it explains and justifies what is difficult for us to explain. But this in itself makes the question arise itself, do we and others really understand?! And if we really understood, why do we still ask for clarification?!! Are we so stupid?


 Is our stupidity beyond all limits?! It must be the case and has no other explanation! Revered commentators and scholars have done and are doing their best

And their efforts to make clear to us everything related to the matters of our daily lives so that we can practice them in a correct, sound and acceptable manner without deviating or, God forbid, lead us to an unsound path that distances us from the right direction and the straight path. But the strange thing is that they themselves are divided! And on the agreement, they do not agree! And if we look around us, we will find that each group of scholars and commentators has opinions that differ from the rest of those who are like them from the others, and each group of the teams insists on their opinions, and in the end we became the only ones who were confused! But despite all that, we find them always and forever about that, they are not remorseful. Why regret?


 And for what? (Sorry for looking, but they are not wrong, we are the ones who are always wrong because we always believe  And their different interpretations, which are incompatible with each other, are believers. This is of course because they are not liars or forgers) (But you are not the same with me, noting that the one who always tries to think and operate his mind always stays in a small space, and they always say that he is slandering in the goodness group.


 It is nothing but a disease of the eye, and of course the jurists and interpreters of our interest are always afraid, and therefore they are always keen on our comfort and keeping us away from this mighty mental effort, which, God forbid, may lead us to error instead of right and throw us, God forbid, into the fire, and therefore it is never permissible for us  Risk and adventure. Accordingly, each one of us must surrender his mind to receive in relaxation, calmness, and delicious laziness all that is thrown to him and his mind of explanations, details and clarifications of all the sacred meanings and ideas, and if he cannot comprehend them or comprehend them and understand them after all this, he is responsible for his stupidity because his mind is the mind of a donkey! , and you laugh and the predestination laughs. If the sighted person is alone in the midst of all of the blind, for sure (because they are all like each other blind and he is the only sighted among all these blinds, then directly and without thinking) he would be sure. The dreaded virus is transmitted from 


Our sighted brother and the rest suddenly turn sighted! This dangerous microbe must be immediately eliminated and prevented from spreading, or for example if only one was walking on his feet and the rest and everyone walked on their heads! Will their position on this photo be upside down?! Quite the contrary, he is the only abnormal one among them and he is the violator, but with each other they form a similar interlocking force because they are all in one in the sense of the herd, meaning (it is not anyone who comes alone like this to speak, it is not a chaos, Master), and if you dare and kneel, dear reader, and decide to do like this The foolish young man who violated the group and got out of its warm embrace and violated the system and objected to all the explanations and interpretations  Which detailed and clarified in front of him whichever explanation and whatever explanation, but he is stupid, so he decided, after being ridden by stupidity and stupidity, and he continued and followed the mind that is the biggest disease and violated the system and walked forward!!!! Imagine Forward!!!


Although everyone in his village was walking happily and peacefully backwards or forwards. Everyone practiced all the matters of their lives and all their rituals while walking behind their backs!!! Without any fatigue, hardship, or trouble, on the contrary, they felt comfortable, relaxed and blissful, and why not? The way forward is difficult and perilous, not easy, comfortable and smooth. Walking backwards and backwards, and going down is easier than going up 

Surrender is easier and more comfortable and safe than steadfastness! So, my dear, do not be like this young man who rejected everything that was tried and tested, clear and obvious, and who violated what is known and what is known. (And he said, “What does he want to occupy his mind?” He did not like the situation. He also thought!!! And after all the detailed explanation and all the clarification and interpretation, he still refused and with all ingratitude he would deny!


The path of thinking, because it is the path of perdition, and in order not to expose yourself to perdition, follow the path of scholars and commentators and their clear clarification, because that is the clear path  And do not tire yourself with all these perils and perils, because in the end, you will certainly be doomed. Look with me to that broad and wide canvas and to those many bright and clear aspects of every meaning, interpretation, ruling or legislation in every creed or religion whose interpretation you find varied, clear and solid. What wonderful, intelligent interpreters. They satisfy all tastes (and every color is simple).


They take into account your thinking and appreciate your confusion and suffering in the search for answers and explanations for every ambiguity and contradiction in everything that came and also everything that is to come!  Have you seen how they take care of your feelings and feelings, how eager they are to please you and your satisfaction and want to keep you away from the path of perdition! You may find the thing and its opposite in one meaning, one ruler and one legislation. They satisfy all minds and all tastes Solutions that satisfy all parties.


 And I will add to you a line of poetry every day. A new poem appears to us calling for development and renewal, which is about the same thought and style, not far away. It appears to us with dignity, wisdom and intelligence on channels or even in space, then delights our ears with all the pleasures of newness and renewal until the matter is nice and gentle and on the minds. Easy, lovable, and useful. He surprises us with what we hadn't thought of and tells us that it's easy if you just make up your mind for a few minutes.


You will get the desired understanding and this is basically the goal of the Lord of the servants. Just as the waves of the sea ripple and bend and bend with you the interpretation in any situation and in any direction, and when necessary, the interpretation will be present and ready to be shaped and rippled with you as you want if the matter calls for it, and science has proven its sayings supported by its experiences and actions. So make sure that you will immediately find the interpretation in front of you, ready and present, like a rubber that is stretching in the desired direction with ease. The white one you can see is black and vice versa. Bearish, bullish, bullish, bearish. Don't you see with me, dear reader, that this bumping and zigzag are just like industrial bumps, they always load cars from accidents and collisions with each other. Have you not yet understood the wisdom, my dear? This meandering is in your favor and only targets your interests. As they say, difference is a mercy. Who said otherwise? Did anyone say, God forbid, that he was confused or distracted? Or lie, for example! Or an attempt to patch up or falsify facts, for example, for the sake of an interest? Or maybe it is an attempt to get out of an embarrassing predicament, for example?


Or a form of circular inference or a form of circular inference or is it always and ever can it be able to be able to be able to be able to? Or as you like it to be. Important to be hooked over their heads. And we consider this so-called despicable (Aql Ibn Think, Consider this mind, dear reader, as appendicitis! And there is no need to use it, as it can be dispensed with just like the appendix in your body. If it is removed, you will live normally and very naturally, and for this reason it is called (appendix), so let your mind be an extra organ and consider it removed and (grow your brain, Pasha, and live Pasha, this is so that they say ignorance is a blessing and knowledge is a curse!. Let the spiritual sanctities always remain Above all, but here another question arises: (What is she above them doing??!! Why not humble and bring down these sanctities from the heavens of their heights to our humble minds?!


We are about what is most important. You, my dear, must understand and realize what is more important, deeper, and much greater than that. It is in your interest, and always remember that this meandering and ambiguity protects you, my dear, as I told you, from colliding and colliding in a horrific accident with your poor, stupid mind that is disobedient and damned, and which will inevitably pass away because understanding has become impossible despite all this clarity and all these explanations and explanations!! ! I do not see you God hated someone dear to you in such an accident and the painful affliction that buried the mind of its owner in the tomb of the torment of thought and hell. And the rest in your life (and makes it the last of sorrows).




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Zigzag (satirical article)

  And you laugh and fates laugh. What irony fates are when they try to simplify and simplify the trivial things and laugh at them that are c...