Thursday, September 30, 2021

what if???????

 what if???????

What if the price of happiness is being stupid and ignorant!

What if the price of your happiness is to be an unfair vile!

What if the price is to be without mind, without   feelings  so that you can be happy. and be away from misery, far away... What if the price for that is to build a house at the expense of the ruins of other houses or that you Sow seeds in a land that is not yours! What if the days and months and the years demanded you to forget or forget everything that troubles your life and makes you sleep just to be happy! What if the price for peace of mind is to put your mind in your shoes! What if not asking was the best answer!!! Or the answer passes over your head like a cloud or a cloud and then goes away without returning as if it is a mistake, a fleeting whim, or a raging lapse. It soon returns to its nature... which is (nothing), what if nothing is everything!?   What if you became zero empty-handed of everything, except for one thing, which is nothing! What if the only way to congratulate you is to accept your misery! Rather, you must flirt with him, rejoicing in his mihrab, rejoicing in his majesty and good splendor...! But on the other hand, there is another question. you will always find it crouching like a hungry lion, eager to prey on your mind and feeling, no matter how much you ignore it as if you don't know it! What if another? What if the price of knowledge and awareness is the curse on everything and anything.! But perhaps your loss of the most precious thing,, do you know what it is? It is peace of is impossible. what if in return for that is to feel the sparkle of days extinguishing around you. and that the only one price is (absence, loneliness, loss, and bereavement.) the loss of everyone around you and what is around you, The absence of sparkle from everything you live and coexist     with.. as if minutes and hours  And all the      seconds are ringing with every moment and all the time, announcing the extinguishing bell, disappearing, disappearing, disappearing pleasure, ecstasy, pleasure.. (All of them left and did not return, and perhaps they will not return) It is a disappearance with a disappearance and an extinguishment with an extinguishment. then the next A lonely loneliness in the desert of your life may accompany you until your death.. a painful loss like a bereaved mother who has lost a son or daughter to her, as if you are surrounded by all this and that in your wake and sleep.. that you always lose something? Your inner calm, perhaps, as if your life’s pick is destroying yourself day after day.. but always remember that everything has a reward, and every loss has a gain, and every gain is a loss you meet, and in order for you to become like this and in this way, you took the return, now that you know everything Or say more than half of the thing, and now you are as close as possible to an important part of the absolute truth, but not all of it Of course. now I see you insight into matters deeply and away from any look that buzzes and groans from fools and fools,, I see that you are now interpreting and analyzing clearer and deeper.. and put points on letters,, now you are like a free bird.. and you have done everything in your power to become so. and you did not You don't mind in order to get that any other loss, if we will call it a loss. Now I see you have become aware and certain and the mind for you is a flag with its importance raised above the forehead. and you sacrificed for that until you no longer have anything to blackmail the pain, and only you from the loneliness Worry and old age, and your wounds became full of blood.. And sadness and lonely silence are the best that a mouth can fold, Until it became your biggest concern and your greatest money, that the dose of pain decreases. and that the pain suffices to subsist on yourself, and it goes over your remains, Now that your greatest hopes have become that your pain decreases,,!

Now let me give you some tips if you want to be happy:

First, to be happy, you must be stupid and ignorant.

Second: To be a truly honest believer without evidence or certainty, you must put your mind under the shoes. otherwise, your mind will be the disease and getting rid of it is the cure. Third: In order to be happy, loved, accepted.. Lie ..hypocritical.. Walk with them.  Always walk with them and walk in their knees., dive into their arms.

Fourth: In order to be happy, you must get rid of this damned mind and truly belong to your cursed human race.

Fifth: In order to be happy, you must not try to understand the whole matter in its entirety! You have to kill the logic inside you and kill it with premeditation and premeditation. You also have to kill your mind with poison..! Make him commit suicide. commits suicide repeatedly whenever he tries to wake up. This is if you want to keep your happiness and peace of mine And bliss your mind.. Make it spoiled and never stress it.. Prepare for it all the ready-made, packaged and packaged answers that will save it effort and effort. Convince yourself of its credibility. and do not forget that this is the pleasure and luxury for you and your spoiled mind.

Sixth: You have to get things wrong!!! Yes..why are you surprised! If you know that error has a unique charm and attraction, you will not be surprised anymore. especially when you convince yourself that the truth is all right in your misunderstanding. Which you think is not wrong!!! What an amazing attraction! Sometimes, deception and delusion are comforting to the soul and mind, sedating pain.

Seventh: Stay away from the mentality of eagles. and always follow the mentality of the herd. Yes, the herd. Take warmth in the embrace of the herd. The frost and the roaring that drips hail and snow from the eagle's wings to make a bed in a space of freedom and spaciousness will not give you the warmth of the herd... Do not forget that the warmth of the herd The flock tastier and congratulated! And what is the harm in not understanding and never working your mind! What's wrong with that?!! Is not peace of mind and mind and walking with the group better in stages, and for the sake of the comfort of your mind and its Never forget that. Never tire yourself. Never tire yourself. Then what is the problem with staying with the herd, the sleeping herd of beasts.

And last but not least: Abandon those lofty, naive, foolish pains. and always run after every happiness, even if it is trite and frivolous! For in those lofty pains, there is no rest for the mind, nor is there any rest for the mind.

Now, do you see what I won? Important win!!! ..  is not it!!! ..

Leave the mentality of that damned eagle. and follow the warmth of the able and fortified herd!!! Look at me well.and fix your eyes on mine..then..then what? I want you to compare the two things, and ask yourself: What is the value of what you have gained compared to the value of what you have lost? A value confronts another value. and a meaning confronts another meaning. Is truth, knowledge and logic? Is knowledge of the insides of things and exploring the depths of the unknown. is it worth all this trouble and fatigue in return for all that? Is your profit equal to and equal to the value of what you lost?

Perhaps this is the most difficult equation in history, the value of profit versus the value of loss, which is worth the suffering and trouble? Which one is worth leaving, which one is worth staying? See which one you lost? And which one did you win already? Which one is worth the risk? which of these? The winner and the loser .. who are they in reality? Who is the real winner, who is the real loser? I know it's relative. This complicates the matter further, who preceded whom? Who has the preference? Who takes precedence? The first egg or the chicken? And the same question remains hanging, imposing itself with the same question? Who wins if he already won, and who won what and why? Who is the loser? If he really lost he lost what and why? What the winner gains is the ultimate in loss for the loser. What the loser loses is in itself the pinnacle of profit for the winner!!!! Each according to his opinion, and each according to his claim, the ugliness of loss in front of the value and splendor of profit, Loss and gain, but gain and loss. which one. which one. which one interests me, and does not mean losing to me? Which is more painful to lose and which is more important and great to find and fulfill? Which one earns and wins? Which one do I lose?

Which one Simitni lost and missing,? Which one will revive his existence and find it? .

Reason and unhappiness together side by side,, or ignorance of things and their innermost parts and happiness together side to side?,, But know, dear reader, that the price is always high in front of the greatness and value of the gain. He owns a lot and a lot,, the rich and the very rich, he is rich with his money from what he realizes and not with what he owns! This is how the picture is completed and the symbols of the equation become clear, and remember that you did not choose for yourself the beginning and did not draw the boundaries of the end  and you

You will be surprised by a turning point you did not expect, and at this turn everything will end.. and you yourself will end, and the answer will remain suspended between earth and space, until the judge rules and decides on it and implements the judgment of the judiciary.

Written by: Manal Khalil

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

10 lies about the monotheistic religions

 There are many false beliefs that fill our lives and unfortunately fill our minds and turn them, intentionally or unintentionally, into a shop for many stakeholders, whether they are clerics or those in power or both sides hold a joint marriage to make your mind, dear reader, a profitable business for them and popular through ideas The mistake that has been inserted into your mind, dear reader, since your childhood, it grows and grows while you feed your mind with misconceptions about religious beliefs in particular, which unfortunately have the most severe and most dangerous consequences and damages to your thinking, which they filled with these corrupt goods to be a shop for the black market for their ideas..but it is a black market disguised with the mask of religion,And the metaphysics full of logical fallacies and contrary to science, evidence, proofs and scientific research Which bequeathed these ideas to many generations that arise on superstitions and stupid metaphysical beliefs that make the mind a disabled tool inside the head and make the mind commit suicide and rust because it does not think. Rather, he relies on an imaginary being who claims that he is omnipotent to explain all the things and phenomena that the individual does not understand. He becomes a mere object governed by religious and political authority in many cases. The mind is disabled, an unproductive being or individual in his society because he lives on mythical, mythical beliefs.

1-Creation lie from dust, Humans and the theory of evolution

can't I even hear his voice? Why not show you a silhouette of his voice? !! It looks like it's not More than just a strange, mysterious and mean object? !!!Why does he not descend from the heavens of his heights and humble himself to the level of my weak, limited mind that claims to be his creator and knows him to show me.. what evidence of his existence?? Why does he insist on convincing me of a fictional story about creation and that it is from dust..?!!! [1]Why does this god put himself above imagination and logic? Why does he hide and hide away from sight and hearing, or even something from a shadow or just a fantasy or a thread that indicates his presence or least make me feel a thread or something that I have touched and felt and trusted in him to show me his existence and the correctness of his claim that creation was from dust[2] or that there is a creation from the foundation or is this Creation from nothingness[3] [4][5]is a delusional idea that has no scientific basis.

2-The lie of God's creation of the universe

creator of everything and that he created the universe and created the earth for you.. and that you are as he claims or say his deception is the center of the universe and that the evidence and evidence have confirmed that the universe and the multiple recurring universes arose from the moment of the great or big bang[6].. In the beginning, dear reader, do you accept my friendship? I want to be your friend ... I want to open a door to intellectual dialogue and exchange of 

beginning and that it will expand forever[7]..and that it has no limits, neither in time nor in space..and that the universe is fixed and eternal and this eternal world has its physical and mathematical laws....The American scientist (Fred 

3-The lie of the word (heaven) and that there are seven heavens

bothers you in your life and makes you sleep just to be happy. nature... which is (nothing), what if nothing is everything!? “sky” and that it is scientifically just an atmosphere or space that has no limits[8], width or dimensions as the beliefs of the wrong religions portray it to you. And that it does not have a number, not seven as the Islamic religion portrays it.  And in fact, no honest and serious scientific institution ever says that there are seven heavens or that there is something tangible or material called the is just an atmosphere that derives its blue color during the day from the layers of the atmosphere during the day..and at night it is black due 

4 - The lie of the existence of prophets A paper in which they write what they want and what they want.. they are what they want, not you, and nothing else, not even an incendiary superpower that wills, as they always urinate in your ear with these mutterings that look like a magic spell... You are driven like that donkey.. One of the biggest evidences for this is perversion    And the lie of the prophets and prophecy[9], or say the claim of prophethood, whether from the Prophet of Islam Muhammad or from the rest of the prophets..because most of them are those named or those who are said to be (reward and punishment). You will keep panting after what your mind has filled with hopes, dreams, desires and wishes.. and the more narrowed the neck.. you will miss more and miss.. you will miss everything that you have been deprived of.. to get rid of your torments... to get rid of your gasping and run after the carrot.. and you ask yourself .

5 -The lie of the misconception that religions are divine

I want to do want me .. did not do .. with that hand the reins of all things are managed at the helm hands and move according to your desire and breeze And you throw the ship of our life into the sea of your obedience and satisfaction... Then why didn't you do that? Let me , O God .. This time.. provided you resign from the post of God ..olm longer exists !!! ? Lucan and the existence of God the truth , then why these religions are full of all this amount of guff and phantoms ??? !! If your existence is real, O God[10]

6- The lie that the Qur'an is a heavenly book


your thoughts as long as .. returned at the point of start dragging the tails of disappointment and tasting Bal remorse . that of most types of suicide intellectual philosophy of thinking about the realization of the mind the realization of the true[11] to the extent that the Koran had been deceived to the extent that that the mind is not in the head . And that the heart is m Concentrate your thinking!!!!!!!!! which contradicts science and logic by all standards,,,, The heart scientifically is nothing but a pump that pumps blood only.and it has absolutely nothing to do with thinking. but did you not ask yourself, dear reader, why the Qur’an was mentioned? That is in his verses and confirmed it???!! I tell my friend the reader ,, even remain a Muslim crouching silent certified always for all the illusions and incredible emotions that fool you and forget your mind .. is the process (washing brain) This is what he wants Islam and what he wants the Koran that he made humans .. because it is logical if there Ala real no god of any Religion and let's take the god of Islam as the most dangerous example. If this god really existed, would he commit those scientific foolishness found in the Qur'an and which this book is abuzz with ??!!!! Impossible, of course ... Another thing is that the Qur'an always convinces Muslims who believe in it that God is always above everything.

7-The Lie of Isra and Mi'raj


benefit such people in anything.. they They want  the fame  Zoroastrianism  ..And here's a story  or a lie  Israa and meraaj  wave to us  With her hand from afar and guiding from  her place  Real  Either intentionally or unintentionally  To tell us about  its truth  that  Hide it from you  So much[12] build false glory on her account  and a lie  As long as it is  necrosis of bones  from  they heard it  Calsus in  bone and pour  Her deception is in the minds and heads  from  Raised and brought up on  This is amazing  The story, or rather the lie  until I became  part  sanctified from their came to shake  throne  The lie they built, glorified and immortalized  long time from patient  in a  That's possible  all  pain  The noble sublimity that every researcher endures  About the truth and that's all the fun  and happiness  built on account  Deceive others and buy their minds  With the alleged paradise and terrorizing them with the illusory fire.. even as if they were  they became nothing  Or they are.. they became  programmers, programmers  Their minds are void.


8-The lie of Pilgrimage  Islamic  supposed  on Muslims  It is a purely pagan ritual 

for their only .walta Aptdaoha also ..latbhetwa the health of their religion rotten fabricated lie other new ... Hajj and historical evidence is not more than a pagan ritual it was money ..valtmn always expensive ..tmn loss of human himself .ogly ..okhosarh his mind and his thinking bigger much ..khosarh self Atawwad .. fatal price expensive .walan Compare ..garn between the value of Marbanh Dear Muslim in order to satisfy both astray and Oohmuk false bliss and eternal torment in the world the other alleged ,, if not you! Are you not with me, dear reader, where have you been and wherever you are? It is a riddle or incantation that may be difficult for some to accept, and I say some and not all ... But you may easily realize that this is the nature and law of life[13].. You have to learn or accept this truth and swallow it with the bitterness of cactus and the roughness of thorns It hurts your feelings and may rip it.

9-The lie of Islamic fasting and that it strengthens immunity     


nourishment and strength ...I trust,, I trust in that, and the fear of an imaginary punishment that does not even exist .. and all of this is to go according to the plan and method that they deceived you with.. and to mold, pour and melt what they want you to be !!? .. then you will become an individual is a product in your community [14]... Go to any department or company or factory or any place of business in the fasting month of the Islamic month of Ramadan , and you'll see for yourself laze all workers and employees and performance of their work must also mention the tension and nerve spread o to get rid of your torments[15].. To get rid of your panting and running after the carrot..and you ask yourself..when will I get it? When do I rest? They understood you that when this is far away.

10- The lie and trick of time and time is a human invention     

to your breath and lock it inside your chest, which is narrowed so that the hole of a needle can no longer fit and the whole universe can no longer handle you Do you know confirmed by scientists , where scientists have proved that the sense that committed absent from our lives from the foundation ..aaiba has no presence means that suddenly reject .. feel that the glamor of things hidden around you and sparkle disappeared and everything around me ...? [16]What is the exact time ? Is it real or an illusion ? In other words, the time in which we live in our existence and in our feeling is time in which another day ..oon today marks the other in Islam comes time convergence and the short time .. but this is not true scientifically ..ho just a sense of internal only they feel it is nothing more than a lie of the lies of religions. 


Zigzag (satirical article)

  And you laugh and fates laugh. What irony fates are when they try to simplify and simplify the trivial things and laugh at them that are c...